Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tis The Night Before Work

Finally, it has come. Folding and putting away the jeans and bringing out the newly ironed black work pants. I feel old. Making sure I'm pressed and debating whether to wear panty hose. The waiting seemed almost interminable. Everyone else had started and gotten into their work groove, had their busy nights, and paychecks. I was left behind in the dust with my late start date and studying, spending away my savings, and not making any money. It's bittersweet to leave the freedom and free time and gain a new lifestyle. Am I ready to start as a grundoon and think only of manager's wishes? We'll see.

In the mean time, I'm prepping. I got my work stilettos, the clothing, even the the map/directions for the first day of work. I'm getting in the mindset, made some extra leftovers to bring for lunch, and got a gym membership nearby the office. I'm excited to go to happy hours with an actual work outfit and having just left the office like a real working person rather than leaving my house after just changing from PJ's. And I know my bank account is excited for deposits and hopefully less withdrawals.

My aunt even got me a new professional black work bag, so I don't look like I'm too much of a newb. Adults and friends alike have given me advice on the working world and even told me to update my LinkedIn account. I've made sure to keep everyone's comments and suggestions at the forefront of my mind. Yes, I've gotten the list of happy hours. Yes, I have my coffee mug for those days when one cup every hour seems to be the standard. Yes, I know which days I plan to take off because I've already bought a plane ticket.

My dad reminded me that the tradition in his family is the first paycheck you get from your first job is spent taking out the family to a nice dinner. I would say Chipotle should be included in this category. Then I reminded my dad that I am just starting to pay back my student loans. Thank you. We have come to an agreement that I will visit my house once a week after work. I'll stay over at home and hang out with the empty nesters in return for a free meal and some old-school "allowance." Old habits die hard.

I'm excited to start working and have that lifestyle where TGIF really means something. Friday is really payday and rush hour is something I have to drive through and not avoid. I won't completely retire the old days. I'll live up the weekends, eat some Ramen like I'm a first-year, and call my parents asking them to put more money into my account for rent.  Tis the night before the first day of work, and I'm hoping my three alarms don't fail me. Here's to joining the world of the Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dear Cheese, I Like You

It's probably a love-hate relationship, like coconut. You either really love cheese or you don't. No room for ambivalence. If so, you've probably never experienced real cheese, just Kraft or some other fake processed stuff. This is an homage to the true delicious gourmet cheese that everyone should try.

Living in the U.S., you probably don't have a gourmet cheese shop right next door like, say France, for example. However, there is a precious gem in East Falls Church aptly named Red, White, and Bleu. We discovered this place after searching randomly and brusquely on our friends for something nearby. Little did we realize that we walked into one of our favorite shops! The outside of the store doesn't do it any justice. Don't judge the shop by it's storefront, just walk in. It's a small place but it's full of wine, gourmet cheeses, charcuterie (sliced meat for those antipasti appetizers), and knick-knacks like water crackers and jam. We were lucky enough to get a free wine tasting and lots of samples of cheese. Of course I couldn't help myself and bought about 2 lbs. worth when I left the store, but well worth it.

From my first expensive purchase I was able to really start appreciating cheese. I mostly had those fake gourmet slices of cheese for sandwiches, but never really knew the wide range of flavors cheese could offer. The most commonly tasted, brie, is creamy and salty, good with apples and honey (thank you roommate for that addictive combination). Another, cheddar has a more variable flavor and texture. It can be aged for a long time and be very flaky and sharp. On the other hand sometimes I crave that more mild sharp and creamy, less aged cheddar that is still that classic orange-y color. I don't think I've had a bad experience with cheddar. It tastes good with everything, especially wine. Red wine, stronger whites and any type of cracker. Then there's Beemster, the gouda masters. Beemster has a few types just like cheddar where there's the super aged, smelly, flaky and the less hard more soft cheese. I definitely prefer the hard, aged, flaky kind, mostly because the taste is so much stronger. Beemster XO is the best for that. However, just cutting it produces about forty flakes, so it can get a little messy.

So those are just three cheeses. There's so much more! What a world cheese can open you into. With crackers, apples, figs, fruity spread, jam, and crackers/bread. Did I mention that I try to add cheese to almost anything I cook? The grater is my best friend, after the cheese slicer. They are precious utensils in my kitchen. I feel like every cook has that easy wow you factor like add a pinch of paprika or pepper. Mine is a few ounces of grated cheese. I like to think that when I add cheese to something, it add its own cheesey flavor but also enhances and brings out the tastes of what it accompanies. Think about creamy jarlsberg wrapped around sauteed asparagus. Yes, I'm drooling too. Sometimes I secretly favor the recipes on that feature some amount of cheese. I know it's bias, but we all have it when it comes to food. Mine just happens to be odd and about cheese.

Isn't it exciting to try new cheeses and pair them with wines and fruit? It's a great present to bring to a potluck or friendly dinner date. It's the go-to. I don't understand how anyone could not like wine. I hope this blog helps you, encourage you to try more wine. Go to your nearest shop and grab the weirdest cheese and wine. It'll be a great time.

Do other people feel the same as I do for cheese? If not, is it for something else? Meat, olives, prunes? I guess there are lots of types of meat but you have to prepare it and cook it with things. It's too complicated to be that easy wow factor to add with almost anything. I will say, meat is pretty great too. Actually, all food come to think of it, but I'm trying to heighten my relationship with my tastebuds. They tell me they like cheese and I give it to them. It's a great system. Now, let me get back to my wine and new cheese with chives and onions. So exotic!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pet Peeves

I've spent a little while talking about things I enjoy, notably donuts, coffee, and reading, but in the honor of Kingsley, I'll broaden the spectrum of what I share. So pet peeves are those silly little details that really shouldn't bother us but they do. Some more than others affect us and they affect each of us in different ways. I don't know why but so many of these pet peeves occur while I'm at Starbucks. I'll limit myself to a few in my top 10. They are in no special order.

Pet Peeve #1: this might be more female-specific, but one of my biggest pet peeves is the absence of a hanger on the back of the bathroom door. No hanger in any part of the bathroom is a big deal. Where do I put my purse/jacket/whatever else that I'm carrying because more likely than not, I'm carrying something? Even if it's freezing outside, both guys and girls are probably wearing big heavy coats and would like a place to set them on a hanger. It's pretty silly to not have a hanger, but even more so, it's my pet peeve. Luckily, I don't own a $2,000 Louis Vuitton because if there was no hanger and I had to put that on the floor, I would be mad enough to punch the manager.

Pet Peeve #2: blasting the A/C when completely unneeded. First, it's a waste. Secondly, and more importantly, it makes me tremble which is incredibly distracting for myself and others. This happens at Starbucks so often. Maybe it helps the hot latte sales. I don't even know how because all that coffee and lattes they churn out should give the place a soothing warmth. Unfortunately, not. A little while ago I was at dinner with a friend at Sandia, and it was so cold inside, mind you it was about 80 degrees outside, that my teeth were chattering. For eating a nice dinner at a restaurant, that is not comfortable at all, and I probably won't go back there, ever, unless I'm wearing a parka. I couldn't even concentrate on conversation or eat my delicious handmade guacamole, I only thought about getting outside of that freezing igloo. I guess my body is comfortable with a very specific narrow temperature range because I also tend to break out if I sweat too much in high heat and humidity, thinking back to spring break in the Caribbean.

Pet Peeve #3: bad drivers. Yes, I've grown up in NOVA, so I really should be used to bad driving right? Since my New Yorker dad taught me to drive, I feel like I have a leg up over the majority of DMV people. I'm okay with people going slow too, except if you're in the left lane and going at or below the speed limit. Do those people not see those signs that say: slow people should not be in the left lane? No, because they don't pay attention to signs. I don't speed too much, but you should have the courtesy to not hold back the rest of traffic behind you since SO many in the DC area have a penchant for tailgating. Another thing I also hate. Although a friend has told me that I tailgate, that is mostly for a few seconds to let the person know that they are going too slow and need to move and I really don't get too close to the bumper - too dangerous. Should I perhaps turn on my left blinker (that they wouldn't notice) or my brights (wouldn't notice in daylight too well) and patiently wait? No. I don't ride people's bumpers. It's too dangerous and reckless for my Type A self to handle. I don't even get too close because I'm afraid the bad driver in front of me will stop short for some silly reason. The best bad drivers are those who feel like they are important enough to go through a red light at any time. I have a special angst against them because they are the kind of people who total good drivers' cars like myself. There's no warning and no time to react.

Pet Peeve #4: people who don't respond to e-mails. Really? Do you live under a rock? How do you function if you don't check your e-mail and respond? Most likely you've read it and are too lazy or too busy to write back. Please go to AT&T and pick up an iPhone so you can respond back in a timely fashion. I'm not saying you need to write back immediately after a Facebook comment - that's silly. Rather, I would like you to respond, so I know you're alive. If not, I'll have to go back to snail mail.

Pet Peeve #5: Dell computers. Yes, Michael Dell I'm talking to you. Your computers are so unreliable that I now associate Dell with the blue screen of death, the black screen of death, and all the other acronyms like P.O.S. That was my college computer's endearing name: P.O.S. My Dell was a pretty nice computer for about the first 8 months that I had it. Then, the battery refused to charge, ever. I had to buy a new charger. After having this pain in the neck machine for 15 months, it crashed, without any notice. I took it to the school computer people, who are as unuseful and unhelpful as Dells themselves, and they blamed me saying that I downloaded viruses. No, I had about 4 applications to block, prevent, and fix those problems. It was not my fault - they refused to acknowledge that my computer had faulty hardware. I actually considered all the ways I wanted to truly destroy it such as: driving it over, throwing it against the wall, and dropping it out the window.  About 5 months later after I had recuperated from the shock and stress of a computer crash, it crashed again! Dell refused to accept responsibility, so I gave up and just relied on a back-up hard drive. Oh, and I now own a HP.

I'm sure I've probably listed several of you in these pet peeve categories. By all means that doesn't mean I dislike you, just some of your actions peeve me. Most importantly, please don't blast your A/C. I have a mental list of all the places I despise because of over-A/C-ing: grocery stores, badly managed Starbucks, people who like to overspend on electricity bills, and pretentiously cold restaurants.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Being an Alumna

I remembered all the comments and facts people told me about their lives once they became an alumnus, a corporate robot, a person of the real world as we were driving down to UVA for homecoming, and then again for Rotunda Dinner III. I guess it didn't really feel that different, except things have already changed. Dunkin Donuts has opened (still upset that it had to come AFTER I graduated), Nuddhist has opened, and the coffee shops names/owners have rotated, again. Oh wait, they finally added a Starbucks. I suppose it's delayed opening has probably saved my bank account a couple thousand dollars a year.

Some people I still know are there, thank god, or else I don't know who I would visit. The 3rd years last year are not 4th years and partying their brains out now that they have job offers. The once new 1st years are more enlightened 2nd years working hard and praying to get into the Comm School/declare their major. People have moved around from dorms to apartments with all the trimmings of a wet bar and outside bbq. The Lawn is the same, except for the fact that there's a new South Lawn that nobody really uses. My old apartment is still there, however, new people occupy it. My favorite restaurants are still intact: Mas, Orzo, El Dente, Shebeen, Al Hamraa, The Nook, and of course the late night pizza places.

Somehow when I looked around I wasn't running into people from class or former hallmates. This is the sad part and this is how you know you're an alumna. It actually happens when the alumni all pile back in for their semester events: homecoming football game (but it's really not about the football) and then Foxfields. But of course coming back and seeing old friends, new friends who could have been old friends if you knew them better in college, and just people in general is a lot of fun. How great is it to come back and do all your favorite activities at school without the actual worries of studying, class, and group meetings?

I could go to Pancakes for Parkinson's without having to bring a backpack and then staking out a spot in the library for the next few hours. I went to the football game didn't worry about the homework I neglected to do that day. I made as many plans with friends that could possibly fit in a 24 hour day without giving a second thought to the midterm I had the next week. These are the trade-offs of college and the working world. The brief respite when visiting your alma mater for homecoming weekend then bracing for reality when you head back on the road waving goodbye to old friends.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Getting Tuned In

For those of you coffeeholics you probably already know that Starbucks has just introduced its digital network (SDN - see CNN story). It sounds amazing. For those of you not in the loop, Starbucks is not only offering free WiFi to its patrons but also a whole integrated network of news, entertainment, music, and local tidbits provided through the WiFi service. All those newspapers that Starbucks sells are now available online for free through the SDN: USA Today, WSJ minus a few pieces, and the NY Times.

Starbucks is aiming to amp up its "local atmosphere" experience. I don't know how much of a local atmosphere that Starbucks currently provides because it's such a nationalized chain, but this SDN seems like it's a step toward that experience. I mostly use the Washington Post, Washingtonian, and the coupon websites for local information, but a more streamlined, online grouping of neighborhood news will be much more convenient. Look out Washington Post! A free WSJ and NY Times I don't know if it would be worth getting it delivered anymore.

I can't wait to try the SDN. I'm a pretty big fan of Starbucks. I love coffee, therefore I love Starbucks. The local cafes are great too, and I prefer them because there is so much more effort and heart that goes into them. However, if you're seen the Arlington Rap video, you will understand that finding a unique, local cafe  is a little difficult compared to the Starbucks on every corner. Getting the free WiFi is pretty handy. Starbucks is perfect to hang out with friends, but even better, a good location to study, if you can find a seat. Music, business, news, etc would help with procrastination too! If people don't hang out at Starbucks  now, then they definitely will after the SDN introduction. Unfortunately, I don't know how many people know about this network. I was scrolling through headlines and caught this, so it was pretty random.

For some reason Starbucks is using Yahoo as the provider - I guess Google is too busy with their Androids? We'll see how it works. I'll write more on the SDN once I test it out. I'm looking forward to the music that Starbucks plans to share on its network. A good idea for Starbucks would be the more you use the SDN, the more free lattes you get. Do you hear that Starbucks?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Can't Visit Charlottesville Without Wine Tasting

The visit for UVA's alumni homecoming weekend was pretty busy but incredibly fun. Even though I've been an alumna for about 6 months, it still felt weird to return to grounds and getting accustomed to the changes. Dunkin' Donuts on the Corner, the South Lawn Project is done, finally, and there's a Starbucks so close to the Comm School that I could cry out of jealousy.

The Young Alumni event was awesome seeing so many drunk people dancing on stage and they rewarded us with a vat of Arch's. Halfway through losing, not unusual, the football game we left for a Charlottesville dinner at a restaurant that few other cities can compare to. Zinc uses herbs from its garden that is about two yards outside from where you dine, gets local meat, and orders the best quality seafood from around the globe. Needless to say, the roasted quail, butternut squash soup, and the Monastrell wine were like introducing a future musician to the songs of Mozart. My stomach was producing symphonies. On the last day and on our way out, there was no way we could renege on our most recent favorite pastime: wine tasting.

It was quite a burden to find out that UVA is in the heart of the Monticello Wine Trail. With only less than two years of being legal to wine taste, how could I possibly visit all those vineyards before I graduated? Being content with defeat I vowed to complete the trail at some future point in time. Nearing the end of our trip we decided to visit a vineyard on our way home. So many options! Within several miles of each other off Rte. 20 there's Barboursville (always a fantastic visit), Burnley, and Horton. Having no cell phone reception and only a vague idea of where Horton was on the map, we tracked over to the vineyard. It was gorgeous! It was like driving up to an estate with a massive building in the distance and beautifully manicured grapevines lined in rows.

The wine inside was just as promising as the view driving in. It had the usual wine tasting ambiance with a large tasting room, wines lining the walls, and the sounds of people tasting wine. Horton had a great variety of whites and reds. The whites included viognier, vidal blanc, and this unusual Russian grape called rkatsiteli. Definitely recommend the rkatsiteli. The reds included the Virginia native Norton and some non-native grapes like malbec, nebbiolo, tannat, and Touriga Nacional. My favorite white was a French-style blend called Stonecastle White that tasted like vanilla and nutmeg according to the wine description. The Touriga and nebbiolo were fantastic. 

Surprisingly, all the grapes are grown on the vineyard which is pretty unique among vineyards who import the grapes and outsource some of the wine making process. The whites and reds were great to try, and even better, they had a large selection of port wines as well. There were two types that tasted like chocolate: one white and one red. What could taste better than chocolate and wine? A wine that tasted like chocolate! I couldn't help myself and I ended up buying a bottle of the chocolatey wine port for only $16. Compared to ordering a glass at a restaurant, what a steal. At a rock bottom price of $0 for tasting and about thirty to forty wines to try, we definitely plan to visit again!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Munchkins

I don't know how you do your errands, but I always make sure I find time for a treat while I do mine. A treat can be one of the new pumpkin spiced lattes at Starbucks or a cookie from a small cafe. Yesterday while doing the usual errand run, I treated myself to my favorite: donuts. I'm pretty sure every person has a love affair with a specific dessert/snack that started way back in the day. Here's my story.

When I just started playing soccer when I was a wee one, my dad encouraged me by offering me donuts for every goal I scored. There is no motivation better than sugar and fried dough. I remember after I scored a goal I would look at my dad in the stands with that face that said, "we're going to Dunkin' Donuts right after this game." Of course getting a little girl hooked on donuts is not the healthiest decision, but this was before the Atkins-no carbs-0 calorie Splenda-vegan diet days. Later as my dad knew that I didn't need donuts to motivate me in my soccer games, he turned it into a weekend tradition. The night before my dad would ask me which donuts to pick up, I always picked two: one classic chocolate covered donut and the other I rotated the specialties. Of course this obsession with donuts translated to other desserts like pies, cakes, pastries, etc, but donuts were my first love. And my dad did a good job of reconciling the two of us everytime I came back home from school breaks. Sadly, the nearest Dunkin' was about 25 miles away near Ruckersville (!), so coming home to a half-dozen of my favorite chocolate tire wheels, chocolate covered, marble frosted, and the specialty sprinkles (red and blue for 4th of July, red and green for Christmas, etc.) was the best "surprise" I could get. I knew that when I came home there would be a bunch of untouched, fresh donuts on the kitchen table for me, but each time I was still surprised to see them and the fact that my dad remembered to get them.

Keep this story in the back of your mind. Now, imagine my excitement when I realized that right next to the Fed Ex office store that there was a Dunkin' right next to it. I felt like some of heaven fell on earth and beckoned me using the splendid smell of sugary donuts. Heck, it was destiny. In my purse I had a free latte coupon for Dunkin' Donuts from my mom. I walked inside and was greeted by the same, unchanging, comforting display of jellies, kruellers, creme filled, and munchkin donuts. My mind raced as I forced myself to choose from the numerous options and, finally, decided on the seasonal fall munchkins. You really can't say no to sprinkles, especially when they match the season (or should be). I don't see any orange leaves yet, but I'm sure that buying those fall munchkins encouraged all those leaves out there to follow suit.

Just thinking of my delicious snack is making me want to drive to a Dunkin' right now. I know there are a lot of haters and naysayers out there who think donuts are not worth the hype. If it's Homer Simpson's favorite dessert snack and Dunkin' has created an empire off such a simple item, it's definitely worth it. Peeps, on the other hand, not so much. 

Taking a bite out of those munchkins threw me back to my childhood where almost anything can be forgotten or made better just by tasting this delicious donut. I can't believe this dessert has so much influence over me. Then I looked around at the other people in the store and realized that everyone munching on their donuts was making the same face of true satisfaction as I was. It was nice to be in such good company for those few moments. Like all yummy, small desserts, these two munchkins were gone way too fast. After my flavorful snack, I was all geared up to finish my errands and get back to studying. Donuts can be a great pick-me-up.

There are few foods that are so scrumptious that the taste stays with you. So few meals or snacks that when you think about them, make you want to re-experience the taste so bad that your stomach already starts to make room so it could eat more. Chocolate lava cake and paella are some examples, but these are definitely not things you can eat all the time. Donuts, though, are a more frequent dose of tastebud heaven, especially when they have seasonal sprinkles! 

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Basic Ingredient

When my sister told me that her bus was scheduled to arrive at 7 pm on Thursday, I knew the pie had to be ready by then. Cooking or baking a recipe for someone is a special thing to do, but it's even better when you make that person something she really likes. For example, my dad is not the biggest fan of chocolate desserts, but he loves chicken and pasta. Naturally, I'm inclined to make him a snazzy version of chicken and pasta that he hasn't had yet. I know he would appreciate a chocolatey dessert all the same, but it means even more when you make something he likes. It shows that you remember what types of tastes he likes and doesn't like. My mom doesn't even make me guess what her basic ingredient is. She suggests the same Thai dish every time. Funny thing is, I make it a little different every time. As for my sister, she loves dessert. Maybe not as much as me, but it's definitely a top preference.

I learned this lesson the best after I made an overload of desserts for someone and he couldn't finish. He didn't want to waste them even though he knew one of the desserts might have expired but ate it anyways to make me happy. I was upset that the dessert wasn't gobbled up within a few days thinking that my baking was way beyond sub-par and that he didn't appreciate it. I was wrong! Unfortunately, he got a little sick (please don't judge my cooking/baking from this one instance) from one the cakes, and ended up throwing the rest out. Feeling guilty, upset that the rest of the dessert DID go to waste anyways, and frustrated that what I made wasn't the "it" dessert present, I realized I shouldn't overload on the baked presents. A simple meal with that basic ingredient that person likes is the key. For him at least, that's usually meat, not tons of sugar.

I put my lesson to use when my grandpa visited from NYC, and my mom asked to make a home-cooked meal for his short stay. Instead of baking a ton of sweets, I made chicken stuffed with goat cheese (he loves goat cheese), orzo with sun-dried tomatoes and kalamata olives, and green beans lightly covered in a mustard vinaigrette. Now, if you think you know someone who eats healthy, you have not met my grandfather. The health guru himself was the one who introduced us to the heavenly Trader Joe's, almond butter, Pirate's Booty, and the wonders of dark chocolate bars. Who was it that warned me that the french fries and pasta on my plate held too many carbohydrates and I should add more veggies instead? My grandpa. When I was younger, I thought it was a little excessive to read the labels' ingredients of everything you buy, but his habits have proved to be quite smart. He doesn't buy the whole organic bit, but he does pick the healthy options, on his own. He has a more clever notion of just reading what's actually inside the box, and not becoming a victim of excellent advertising.

To make the most appealing meals to my grandpa's own tastebuds and include the basic ingredient that he likes, I enlisted my mom for some help. She told me: goat cheese, olives, and veggies! Hence, the 3 dishes, and I found them all at Cooking Light magazine's website. Cooking Light has some delicious recipes but finding the same recipe after searching for the second time is nearly impossible. Although I am a sworn loyal fan of, my stray did lead me to some great options. My default option is to choose before visiting any other websites, and 90% of the time, it works well. Food Network's website is way too complicated, and not enough people rate the recipes. The search feature is a little antiquated and it's the only comprehensible way to get around that website. You would think that since cooking is the name of the game for Food Network they would take greater pains to perfect their recipe searching functions. Unfortunately, it's pretty unnavigable.

With all this racing in my head, I thought about making five different dishes for my sister, but I decided on one well-made item: apple pie, not pumpkin pie because she hates the texture. I made the pie crust a day ahead of time, so I wouldn't get stressed out while chopping up the apples and thinking that I had the rest of the pie AND the crust to make. Way less stress to split up the steps. With the extra time I was able to make a lattice top (see picture one at the top) without worrying the whole thing would be ruined if the crust didn't work out. The pie turned out great, the house smelled like cinnamon apples, and my sister loved the dessert! Usually my baking doesn't turn out too hot, but in this case I consulted my favorite site. Another successful recipe!

Friday, October 8, 2010

It's Kingsley Bitch

In the words of McDonald's, I'm lovin' it. Kingsley is wonderful. So many of my thoughts rolling out of his mouth. Thanks Emily for introducing him into my life. Take a step back, calm down, and enjoy his entertainment, raving comments, and rants. Every video I watched I couldn't stop laughing and agreed with most of what he said, except for Glee. Plus, anyone who likes Britney as much as him is good in my books. Just look at his username.

I don't know how people get famous or who chooses which YouTube videos to get popular, but he is definitely one of them. Emily doesn't know how she came across him, but once I hear about it, I'm pretty sure the rest of the world must have by now too. I even can't wait for the imitators because if they're even half as good as Kingsley, they'll be funny too. So my college roommate had Perez, maybe I can have Kingsley. He's like the gay friend I never had.

Everyone has that friend that rants. Just like the friend that has hilarious arguments with her sister, you need all of these people in your life. Where do you go when you want your pet peeves and anger validated? Your friend that rants. Everything that ever bothered you all rolled up into that rant with all those hand gestures. Yes, this friend is essential. I have one in real life, but the Kingsley online version is almost just as fun.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yoga Before Bed

Yes, quite cliche but I have become a fan of yoga. No, it hasn't gotten me a rock hard six-pack (yet), but it is an amazing de-stresser. I discovered the wonders of how helpful yoga can be for the mind near the end of college, but didn't really have time for it in between finishing two majors, hanging out with friends, and trying each bar's daily happy hour specials. After graduating and trying to find a new stress reliever from the intensity of the post-grad exams, I found another Women's Health yoga workout in my e-mail inbox. Who wouldn't try it? So, the other night before I went to bed, I practiced a few of the poses, and before I knew it, I was all stretched out and relaxed enough to hit the sack. I woke up feeling more flexible and in a pretty happy mood after all my ohm-ing the night before. Overall, I approve of the yoga de-stress/before bed workouts (Click on the hyperlinks).

Some people like to meditate and not think about anything while they are yoga-ing. Well for me, I like to think about all the things I did that day, what went well, what was fun, and what annoyed me. I think about it, and then try to let go of them, so I can start the next day without the worries and distracting thoughts from the day before. All you insomniacs and people who go to bed stressing/reviewing and can't fall asleep, please do the yoga bedtime routine. Yes, I've recommended it to my dad, but he doesn't believe in exercise, so my suggestion fell on deaf ears. Going about my routine, my last thought was the annoying lady at Victoria Secret's badgering me to sign up for the amazing store credit card. Yes, I would love to save 20% off my free pair of cotton hip hugger panties. Bring over that application! Absolutely not. After 3 years of working at American Eagle and the Loft, the most valuable thing I have learned was never to sign up for one of those. Bad for your credit score and bad for your bank account!

Back to the yoga. Some of the de-stress positions look simple, but they actually require some amount of balance. Chances are that you have better balance than me. I like to blame my lack of flexibility and balance on my soccer career, but really I think it was because I quit ballet too early. I suppose at the age of 5, I believed I was either going to be a precocious Anna Pavlova or bust. I chose bust and finally picked up soccer, which at least for me, didn't require as much balance. After about a week of doing these poses and workouts, I definitely felt more relaxed, flexible, and balanced. You won't be able to bend over into a bridge like a gymnast, but you'll notice improvement, especially the bow and the crane poses which feel pretty ridiculous on the first try.

A lot of the poses are simply extended stretching, but somehow it just feels really good. I suppose compared to sitting in a desk chair for hours all day, anything feels better. If you're creative, unlike myself, add a couple more fun poses to the workout. I feel like a yoga instructor when I can come up with a pose that feels like stretching that I can incorporate into the routine. Regardless, don't overdo the ab cruncher ones. If I do too many that work the stomach, I can feel my back crying out as if it's saying, "don't forget about me!" That's what's so great about these workout poses - they work pretty much everything and you don't have to do a mental checklist: thighs, calves, arms, back, abs. It's a pretty inclusive routine hence part of the stress relief. Of course my Type A self would get stressed out making sure I stretched out everything through all of the poses. Another plus is a few of the de-stress poses helped stretch out my back. I felt the cracks up my spine as I twisted and bended. Even easier than getting someone to squeeze, lift, and crack your back for you, but always helpful if it's from a friend.

The most important thing is that the poses make you relax and de-stress. Yoga won't give you a cardio workout, won't give you the same strength training as dumbbells, but it will give you a great stretch, some tone, and a less stressful day! Yes, I'm trying all the fad exercises, but I would definitely choose yoga in my room over an early morning rowing session or biking in the cold weather.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Big City

Sorry for the lag everyone. Now, back to business. So, the big city, quite the place to visit for two days. Not a minute to lose and always something to do. The problem is deciding what to do and how much to spend. There's Bobby Flay's restaurant across the street that's at least $50 just for the entrĂ©e or the adorable old French bistro down the block that's $20 for the entrĂ©e which means more to spend on wine, appetizers, and dessert. Oh the decisions!

Paying homage to the city I was born in but actually only lived in for three months sounded like an excellent idea when I bought my Bolt Bus ticket, knowing I'd have to fight the crowd just to get a seat on the bus that is packed but not overcrowded. My mom, the NYC guru, who grew up in the Bronx and lived in Queens reminded me several times not to leave Manhattan and make sure I don't venture to the other side of Central Park. These reminders were similar to the, "don't go anywhere 'east' in DC" warnings that my mom always gave me when I told her whenever I ventured into DC. Armed with my iPhone and Google Maps, I was pretty sure I wouldn't end up in an unusual area.

Taking the bus in at night surely beats coming during the day - all the lights and the number of people walking around/bar hopping at midnight. So different from DC! I made mental comparisons throughout the trip. For some reason I thought that it would be way less crowded at midnight, but nope, just as busy. Penn Station was full of people, the Sbarro and the Little Italy Eatery across the street were bustling with customers, and nobody looked phased that it was late at night.

The next morning, ready to explore, we headed to a recommended place for brunch: Elmo's in Chelsea. Delicious! Now, if you've been to Kramerbooks and Afterwords, here's the better version in NYC. Smaller portions (which is definitely okay considering the amount you get at Kramerbooks) and less expensive, the modern decor and the friendly service was a great way to start the NYC gastronomy tour. We tried their bagel and cream cheese as a side just to see what the hubbub was about with NYC bagels. Manhattan bagel and NY-style bagels all over the DC area were cues enough that we had to try them. And were they good. The toastedness on the outside with a light crunch and the soft middle makes me think if I can ever achieve this perfection with my own toaster. We'll see.

After brunch we did some exploring of the Chelsea area. A dog park here and there, lots of unique shops, and plenty of places to eat and not just the very expensive type. There's something for everyone including those delicious falafel stands. Gotta try one of those while you're there. One of my favorite things to do in every city I visit is check out the local coffee shops. No, that does not mean the local Starbucks. It means a coffee shop, maybe a local chain even, that you can only find in that city. They tend to exhibit the qualities of the town, like the one I went to called Guy & Gallard which has at least six or seven different flavors of coffee on hotplates that you can grab and add whatever milk/soymilk/cream-and-sugar blend you desire. Going with the NY tradition, there are plenty of desserts, including NY cheesecake. How can you resist? We walked to Central Park with our sustenance in hand: coffee and a peanut butter cup/chocolate chip muffin and sat watching people watching us watching the horse-drawn carriages.

A couple hours in Central Park did us good - saw a live performance by the Afrobats comedy/dance team by the big fountain, walked around, took pictures, and met some other tourists. We entered back into the hustle and bustle that is The City and headed toward the Apple store which is quite the landmark in itself. For every one person that leaves the store, there are about five more pushing down the frosted glass staircase to get in and buy another iPod to add to their collection. Lacking oxygen and some personal space we managed to escape the store without having bought a new iPod, iPad, or iBook. As for next time, I might not be as lucky.

We raced back to check into the hotel in the Times Square area to get as much time as possible to find a place for dinner. Scrolling through New York Times The Scoop app, the NY Guide, and OpenTable, we came across Maison, a quaint, small French bistro. Similar to Bistro Francais in Georgetown, it too is open 24/7. Why a nice French restaurant stays open 24 hours a day is beyond me. However, their entrees were French classics: steak frites, moule frites, duck confit, bouillabaisse, escargots, charcuterie, fromage, etc. Julia Child's memoir book prompted me to try the bouillabaisse to see if I can pick out the combination of flavors. It was a winner! Monkfish, mussels, shrimp, potato, saffron, fennel seed, fish stock, and green onions made the dish exquisite and not too heavy. The toasted bread with melted Gruyère cheese was the cherry on top and the four more servings in the massive pot was an encore. Definitely will be going back.

With full stomachs we walked to Times Square. Thank goodness - all that famous American fast food beckoning with neon lights and billboards of tasty food, I'm glad I finished that bouillabaisse first. Btw, Times Square is not a square, it has a radius of about 3 blocks. It's quite massive with a massive Barclay's blue building lit to help you find your way. The M&M signature store is there where you can even monogram your M&M plush backpack. A Dallas BBQ restaurant line stretching for a couple blocks, billboards advertising tv shows, movies, and anything else you can spend your money lining the streets, and crowds of people blinded by the lights grazing around the streets causing traffic jams at all times of night make this scene pretty unforgettable.

The scenes, food, people, pace and landmarks make this city so fun. It's not as expensive as you would think - just don't blindly walk into a restaurant or store without checking the prices. Make sure to have your Google Maps app and you will never have a problem with the subway or numbered streets. Don't dilly dally when people are pacing in front and behind you, and remember that almost every cab is probably full, so be vigilant! Eat all the NY bagels, pizza, and deli sandwiches you can find because I guarantee the ones outside of the city don't compare. Take tons of pictures, even if you are "that silly tourist taking photos of everything" because no one else is going to photo document your trip but you. Last of all, watch out for all the parades!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Crunches on a Stability Ball with a Medicine Ball in My Hands

Oh you think you've made it through high school and college and have mastered the art of multitasking. Have you tried using an exercise stability ball? I thought I got a pretty good overview of the exercise realm basics between track and soccer through the years, but I was blissfully unaware of the wonders of the exercise ball. Sit-ups, wall sits, crunches, leg abductions and the rest with increased difficulty while sitting, posing with, leaning on, and/or squeezing an exercise ball. I don't even think my mind can focus that many muscles on all those activities at one time.

Breathe in and out through your nose, suck your belly button to your back, lower your pelvis, squeeze your glutes, keep your chin up, and, which exercise was I doing again. I was so busy preparing for my body for the set of lounges with a weight bar on my neck that I got lost. I try to be adventurous and creative when it comes to working out but it seems like I have to be a limber, multi-tasking, pilates guru to even make it through one set. Instead, I do my regular routine of pushups, crunches on the ball, and back extensions because the familiarity of the exercises make it too easy to drop the more difficult one I found on the internet.

There is no dearth of tips, routines, manuals, guides, videos, and iPod downloads on using an exercise ball. The real difficulty is unearthing all that advice and information into a coherent mental understanding of what your body and the ball are supposed to be achieving: strength, flexibility, tone, maybe even relaxation. If you're doing a one-legged wall sit with a medicine ball in your hand and your back pushing against a stability ball, then which, if any, of those goals are you achieving? I would much rather leave it to the experts to tell me that, but it is my body, and I'm the only one that can feel which muscles are supposedly doing their thing.

I do glimpse at others at the gym, trying to gauge whether or not their exercise activity is worth imitating or avoiding. I do get a kick out of those guys who do 10 pushups in 10 seconds and pick up their bag and leave. Yes, if only women could get abs like that. Then again, we would lose entire industries. What would we do without Women's Health Magazine, Denise Austin, or Jillian Michaels? I do enjoy watching trainers helping their clients at the gym with new routines. Heck, I get a free personal workout just listening and watching them. "Pull the weight like this and flex...," as the trainer guides his trainee and his unsuspecting fan. A few minutes later I follow along and perform the same activity and determine if this trainer is worth my time.

For all the trainers out there, why don't you point out and give some advice for some of us awkwardly looking at the machine's directions when we both know that even after reading them I won't utilize the machine to its max? I'm sure it's painful to watch us doing crunches wrong or missing a step or two in total body workout. Just watching someone curl a free weight like it's a gallon of milk makes me turn my head. Plus, the free advice will no doubt make us warm up to the idea of having a trainer. Look at Costco and all those freebie samples. Trainers, take a cue, and share your wealth of knowledge with us lowly gym infrequenters. Perhaps we'll take a liking to you and actually want you to do the job you're being paid to do.

In the mean time I'll be downloading, e-mail forwarding, and magazine-ripping all those exercise ball routines that don't contradict themselves too much. I'll add them to my jumble of a folder of exercise tips that I'll play with for a few days, and then get back to the real world. Once I figure out how to set aside time to work on my core strength, which has most likely dissipated since the last time I've gone to the gym, I'm back at square one and climbing back up the exercise ladder again.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dealing with Defeat

I suppose I've been pretty lucky over my years. Not encountering failure too many times and finding another path when another seemed to wither away. What do you do when you fail? How do you deal with defeat? The classic story of Abraham Lincoln overcoming his numerous upsets should be inspirational to us all, but it's hard to translate a presidential story to yourself. How do you stay upbeat, rebound with a more robust attitude, and stay determined for success?

Getting a bad grade on an exam or in a class is not the type of defeat I'm talking about. I'm talking about something so important that this one event affects your future. This enormous amount of stress on your shoulders coupled with people rooting for you makes it so hard to believe the fact that you have felt defeat. Rising up to the challenge to work that much harder only makes the defeat hurt even more. What do you say to someone who has done nothing but encourage you and hope for the best? Even worse, how do you lift up yourself knowing there's another chance you could face defeat?

Perhaps every person encounters this stressful time, once, twice, many times, but there must be some internal characteristic about us that makes us push. Money, fame, satisfaction, revenge, competition, and personal ambition all can be that oomph factor that pushes even harder. I'm not sure which one mine is right now. In high school it was personal ambition mixed with competition. On my own after college it's certainly changed, but I don't know what is pushing me. Is it that bonus check once I turn in my document of success? Is it that party I'm going to throw when I pass all four parts? Is it the internal celebration that only I experience when I have accomplished a goal?

I'm trying to figure out my own way of dealing with defeat. It's hard to tell myself that I not only need to do better, but I also have to realize that I'm not going to do well 100% every try. Giving myself a day to relax and watch the marathon of America's Next Top Model episodes is helping cope with defeat and failure. I'm sure that busying myself as I usually do is essential for this post-relaxation pause. In reality, the world won't stop and politely wait for me to get back on the horse. I have to push myself and I know I'm not the only person   coping with an instance of failure. This is the breaking moment of every person where she knows she must rise up or look back with regret. So much in me wants to stop and give up because it's so hard and there are easier options. But I know that it'll be worth it, I just don't know how long it'll take. Nobody does. There is no timestamp on a dream.

Shutting out the what-if's, worries, and growing disappointment make me feel like I might not make it. What if all that I've been working for will disappear in front of me? How do I come back stronger? I'll be working on that forever probably. In this case I'll just keep working and moving toward that goal. If there are bumps, I won't wish them away, but try to deal with it. Yes, crying is acceptable, but can't let it consume me. That's silly. Wallowing in myself won't get me anywhere. I need to take the disappointment and make it useful.

My way of dealing with defeat includes frustration, anxiety, uncertainty, and embarrassment, but I know that giving up after one shot is certainly not admirable or reasonable. I will try again, and who knows, I might discover an even better way of motivating myself.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Caffeine Battle

Coffee v. tea. I always have this mental debate in the morning. Green tea with antioxidants that fight against different cancers and jumpstart metabolism that will maybe help me reduce my 5 yawns per minute to 3. Or, the Colombian roast vanilla flavored coffee from the Fresh Market that will reduce my yawns to 0 if I add enough International Delight creamer. Undoubtedly, I end up with a few cups of coffee in my stomach and I wonder if I will ever pick tea over coffee in the endless caffeine battle.

Unless you have a tea addicted family like myself or a frequent visitor to Teavana, you might not even consider tea as a duly respectable player in the caffeine battle. No, green tea comes nowhere close to roasted coffee beans, but there are some other options. Chai tea, either from the carton mix, bag, or Indian-style using Brooke Bond tea grounds is an excellent alternative to the daily coffee grind. It's fun to mix it up. After reading the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I definitely discovered that there are people out there who drink more coffee than myself, but we should excite our taste buds every now and then. People like surprises and presents, so why not do the same for your taste buds?

Although Wal-Mart has a surprisingly collection of tea offerings, Teavana is definitely my favorite. Yes, the samples are pretty delicious. Plus, there are so many people trying the free tea that you don't have that guilty feeling in your stomach when the salesperson looks at you with judging eyes because you'e the only person taking advantage of free samples. Mattes, blends, and combinations of teas you have and haven't heard before with all sort of redeeming qualities that help with digestion, weight, and energy. Not all of these teas will taste like their description, but the caffeine in some of them are definitely there.

A good lead-in tea that's so great that I took the box with me to the store to make sure I grabbed the right one is this fasting dieting tea from Yogi. Yogi fasting tea helps with dieting and fasting, but that's not why I liked it so much. It tasted so delicious, and I've had my fair share of teas. Reading some of the comments on the tea, I see that other people have noticed the same thing. If you're not much of a tea drinker or dubious as to its ability to taste good, well this is heaven-sent. I've only had the tea a couple times, so I can't remark on the ability to cut down on my desire to eat (which I'm not too keen on reducing because I love food so much), but it does taste great. It's a good gateway tea which can lead you into those specialty caffeine explosion ones at Teavana and other specialty stores.

As for the caffeine battle tea might not be the resounding winner, but it's an important player. Some specialty teas come with the same or more caffeine than coffee, but you really have to be quite the avid tea fan. If you're looking to become a tea junkie, I would go for teas packed with flavor so you don't feel like you're forcing yourself to drink hot water. But don't forget about the old favorite: plain coffee. Always getting criticism but having a few healthful qualities like possibly preventing diabetes and other diseases, I can claim that while drinking coffee I'm doing good for myself. But really, I wouldn't drink coffee or tea just because of its immune boosters or newest healthy benefit. Do it for the caffeine.

Friday, September 24, 2010


They say, "don't eat your feelings." Sooo what would happen to that comforting, buttery, fattening, fried southern food? Where would all those chocolate bars and ice cream pints go? Don't eat your feelings. If only I didn't feel, I could probably follow that mantra. When I'm hot, I want a cold salad or tuna fish sandwich. When I'm cold, I want a latte and soup. When I have wine, I want delectable creamy French cheese. If I'm drunk, I want pizza. When I get a bad grade/get into a fight/heartbreak/insert any situation here, I want chocolate.That's the joy of being able to pick and choose the food you eat: it matches how you feel at that very moment. When I pass a vent that smells like lard (all those who've been on a college campus can relate to this), then I want some McDonald's french fries. If you're feeling light, by all means, get that salad or uber healthy edamame bean mix.

Translating all those unfair moments in life when you can't make a decision for yourself or unlucky stuff happens to you, choosing what you eat seems like a breath of justice. Yes, the metro was 15 minutes late today because of service delays and there was street cleaning that I didn't know about and got a ticket, but yes, I, me, get to choose what I eat for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner. Even if you get wined and dined by corporate, YOU get to choose that expensive meal that is too big to eat in one sitting but too inappropriate to bring back leftovers. There are so few decisions we get to make. Yes, I would like that Banana Republic sale to last all year, yes I would like a size smaller than XXL available, but no, I can't make those decisions. A slice of key lime pie is heavenly not just because of the lime zest, lime juice, and excessive amount of sugar, but also because I chose to eat that delicious dessert over all the other mouthwatering waistline expanding treats. 

Harking back to that moment when your parents finally let you dress yourself, that same exhilaration of controlling your near distant future exists when you get to choose what you eat. Yes, you should have that nagging feeling if you've eaten at KFC five times that week, but that has no bearing on the fact that you had the power to decide to eat there each time. Just as you have no power or decision during those 40+ hours you spend at work, all those hours outside of work is at the mercy of your decision making. Nothing makes my Type A self happier than writing in my Moleskine planner with my bright gel plan the plans that I have made for the week. If I write down buy Georgetown cupcakes on Friday evening, a kernel of excitement is released in my brain because I have chosen to eat my feelings. No, I'm not hurting or upset be cause I'm eating cupcakes. I'm TGIF-ing and cupcakes is a perfect way to celebrate. 

If I decided to follow the mantra, "don't eat your feelings." I would probably bore myself with healthy steel-cut oats for breakfast, three-bean salad for lunch, and lemon-caper salmon for dinner every day of the week. While good for you and taste bud sparking, there is no way I could eat these meals all the time, especially if I was feeling in a certain mood. You know when you see that bottle of red wine and remember you have some dark chocolate cake in the fridge, no amount of juicy salmon could compare. Then and there, a distinct click has been made in my head and I know that before the end of the night I will stop all that I'm doing and break out the wine and chocolate cake. Think of all those endorphins you just released! Why would you deprive yourself of satisfying your feelings? Nope the suggestion to "not eat your feelings" is not only foolish but also emotionally damaging. Can you deny yourself happiness at every meal every day? Certainly not. Yes, I can make myself wait and look forward to those every-now-and-then meals like chicken parmesan, but ignoring my feelings would just make me focus more on the fact that I'm torturing myself. It's much better to listen to your body and, in moderation, "eat your feelings." 

I will have my key lime pie, my cupcakes, my cake and eat them all. Thank you Marie Antoinette. There's nothing like manifesting your power in the decision to eat all the desserts, fried food, and bean salad that you want.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bankrupt Blockbuster, Surprised?

Well...more like just reorganizing and getting away with some extra debts. Chapter 11 is not really bankruptcy, but anyways, who didn't see this coming? Who even uses Blockbuster nowadays? I don't even remember the last time I've been inside one of those places. With Surf The Channel, Hulu, $1 Redbox, and Netflix, how does Blockbuster even factor into this aggressive and completely morphed industry?

It reminds me of this HBR article I read the other day about lack of innovation and the failure of the Italian national soccer team in the recent World Cup. If you don't innovate, you will lose - hello, Blockbuster, are you listening? Take a cue from the recent World Cup losers.

In all fairness, Blockbuster had a pretty good model going for a while. Walk into the store, pick up a video, show your Blockbuster card, pay for a short viewing period, and suffer a penalty if you return it too late. Sounds just like the....public library system, except that's free. Hmm, Blockbuster, I think you're SOL, unless you come out with a Blockbuster PS4. Unfortunately, Netflix is a much more attractive method. No need to even get in the car or take a walk to the store, just use the mailbox. Could it be easier? Oh wait, yes, you can watch those antiquated movies online instantly. They have some better options online, but their improvements keep raising the ceiling of excellence. Blockbuster, I'm still peeved about those late fees, especially when you specifically wait til the next morning to recognize that I've returned the movie even though I put it in the box at 11:59 pm, completely on time and before midnight.

Even more unhelpful, if I wanted to watch all those seasons of Lost, I couldn't get the whole season in one box! Oh no, that's way too much entertainment for one person. Yes, breaking up the season of 22 episodes into 4 boxes is enough excitement for a week. Then, I have to take the time to write down when the dvd's are due, increasing the likelihood of late fees with every extra silly season box that I have to check out. All in all, good job Blockbuster for finally recognizing you can't compete and filing for bankruptcy. I daresay reducing some of those debts will help you win out in the battle against Netflix, Hulu, and the rest.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Clubbing: When Is It Enough?

Barhopping, frat parties, and nightclubs. The most important weekend experience of college. Is it? Is it the most important experience after college? Clubbing and barhopping in the major city you found that first job in can be entirely different from the previous four years of college. Or is it? What makes these experiences so different? For one, all of your friends are not within a mile radius, and every bar or club you walk into doesn't have your college flag or sports trophies on the wall. Just getting friends to get out of their weekly routine from post-work de-stress is enough, much less picking the same place to meet up. What about marrying the new and old friends situation?

You meet some great new friends at work who like partying with you and you have a lot in common since you now spend about 40 hours (probably more) together during the work week. Where do the old friends come into play? Hopefully set up a meet and greet and it all goes picture perfect according to plan...almost never. Change and new phases seem to define this transition period from college to grad school or full time career (if you do have time to go out. I'm talking to you I-bankers). How do you even get the energy to get up and go out until 3 am after having waking up at 7 am that day and worked for about 8 or 9 hours? Is it worth blowing the paycheck you just got? The clubbing experience is so different from college, it's hard to avoid the allure. Look at the hype of Jersey Shore. Those wholesome Jersey kids living it up in whatever city they end up in and ordering all the bottle service you can get. Maybe, you party even hardier than them. In that case, you need a tv show as well.

Why do you go clubbing/barhopping/party? Is it the "seen and be seen" attitude? Blowing off steam? Trying to pick up a new lady friend? Whatever the reason, when do you stop? At what age is enough clubbing? When you find that special person and want to spend all your time with them? Hardly. If anything, that'll be temporary. The excitement and butterflies will most likely fade and you'll be out partying with the best of them. It probably won't until you settle down with some children, many many years away that most of us would squirm just thinking about. Rather, when does the excitement of clubbing die down? - When you decide that you'd rather get sleep for the co-ed company soccer game tomorrow or to do those errands you've been putting off for a month. I think it's all about the priorities. What other priorities could you have? Oil change for the car? No, the parents will do that. Antique shopping to decorate the apartment? Maybe when you're 70. Apple picking that morning? Only, if your girlfriend drags you out there.

When is it enough? To be honest, never. Each "that-was-the-most-amazing-night-out" that happens will whet the appetite to do it even bigger and better next time. The notion that it's enough won't hit you until you're middle-aged and realize your mortgage and daycare bills say that your priorities have changed. But hey, maybe they'll have clubs for parents who want to blow off some steam from the brooding teenager. However, if hanging out and maintaining that grandeur social life is #1, clubbing will top the list, and until then, keep those dance shoes on.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Baking v. Cooking: Why Science Makes It Too Difficult

You know that awesome chef who hates to bake? No, not referring to myself. Some of the most fantastic pastry chefs aren't big fans of cooking. Why are such two synonymous kitchen activities, cooking and baking, so different from each other? How can someone with such talent baking not have the same passion for cooking, and vice versa? It's the science behind it. Science plays such a large role in baking that one extra teaspoon of baking soda can ruin a delicate dessert. On the other hand, an extra teaspoon of paprika or chicken broth can only add and intensify an already good flavor.

Speaking from the cooking lover side of things, the talent requirements for baking far outpace my own abilities. Having attempted a seemingly simple recipe for Cranberry Nut Bread and ended up with some heavily caramelized cranberries, I realized I should take a better look into baking and what I'm doing wrong. Cooking might not always require that you follow the instructions as stringently as baking. One misstep in an instruction, and that soufflĂ© will topple or the crust of a pie will get burnt. I know I carefully measured my ingredients, maybe added a few extra walnuts and didn't chop the cranberries as well as I could have. Could those two minuscule details have ruined any chance I had at making a good dessert bread snack?

Overall, the patience required for baking might be more necessary than the patience for cooking. That patience also requires a basic understanding of the science behind it. What makes that genoise or angel food cake so light and airy? Whisking the eggs to a fluffy state. How does ice water help create the perfect pastry crust. Honestly, for cooking, I really don't pay attention to the science behind it, and I haven't ruined too many recipes. Of course, I'm not a professional, so I daresay to get to a higher level, I'm sure I would need a better background in the science of cooking. For the average cook, science might not play a big role. As long as you know when to add more salt, when meat gets tender enough, and not to add cheese into a sautĂ© pan, you'll probably be fine. Not knowing the science behind baking can probably cause some frustration.

In The Cake Bible the author Rose Levy Beranbaum does an excellent job of incorporating the why's of science into her recipes. How the effect of the egg whites create a certain taste and how they work with the other ingredients. Although most dessert recipes won't include this information, the average cook-at-home-turned-pastry-chef should probably spend a few minutes learning the reasoning behind the dish. Honestly, how else can you avoid silly baking pitfalls? Oh yes, and read those directions carefully! Split those dry and wet ingredients, Rose tells me. I appreciate any and all baking tips!

Speaking from experience, I've ruined a few genoise, bread, and other dessert recipes. I don't think a class on baking science will help as much as patience and experience, however. The experience I've had making dinner about 5 times/ week versus the experience I've had baking can't really compare. Maybe, the only way is to just bake a dessert at least once a week regardless of its effect on my waistline. Hopefully I can package it and ship it off to my sister at college!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Waiting For My Care Package

So the little sister sent me a text asking, why do all the other girls in my dorm get care packages from their parents and I don't? Hmm, I'm not a mother and I don't have childrearing experience, but I'm going to take a gander and say that our parents are a little busy and show their love in a different way. The second child and baby of the family is off starting her second month at a university four and a half hours away which seems like a lifetime compared to my two hour journey. She seemed to be pretty well adjusted so far, no complaints, bags under her eyes from hanging out too late on the weekends with friends, and no homesick phone calls (except to see our dog on Skype). Why is she feeling so unloved?

... She feels out of the loop. Think about those times you get back to school after Christmas break and everyone's sharing their new toys. Everyone got a big present except for you. That hurts, even if you aren't used to getting that big Christmas present. Regardless of the fact we don't celebrate Christmas and maybe put up a light-up reindeer on the front lawn, it was never a big time of year, so she should be used to not getting that big show of affection. Heck, I didn't start hugging my mom and saying I love you until I went to college myself. Dad is another story. The sharing what-you-got-from-your-parents conversation is always something a girl wants to partake in, but how badly? No, I didn't get care packages. Yes, other kids' moms worked full-time and got packages as well, but let's face it, our mom is not that way. Her way of loving us is sending an email or calling about the newest food recall or virus and making sure we take vitamins every morning.

Having a mother who is a full-time dentist, loves researching health care news, and prides herself on being a tough individual, we didn't expect home-baked cookies coming out warm from the oven when we got back to school. C'est la vie. She did, however, know how to help us with any schoolwork that wasn't math-related. An incredible analyst, writer, linguist, and researcher can provide just as much love as a cookie-baking, care-package sending mom. You just have to know how she expresses herself. Her way of showing love is being your biggest supporter (if you ask), your best consultant (if you ask), book club buddy (if you ask), and personal dietitian/doctor/dentist (don't need to ask). Although they do not manifest in pink bows and ribbons or affectionate handwritten letters, they are equal in their intentions.

Our mom loves us the way she knows how and there's nothing we can do to change it. Learn to appreciate what your mom gives you but it definitely doesn't hurt to ask the older sister, the type A organizer, to send a care package instead.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Love for The Washingtonian

I never thought one magazine could affect me as much as The Washingtonian. It began as an innocent curiosity with no intent of getting involved in a serious relationship. Like how most relationships develop, I became to get attached. With every coming weekend or activity I always sought the advice and suggestions of Washingtonian. With its spectacular success rates, I subscribed to the weekly e-mail newsletters of restaurant openings and reviews, weekend nightlife, and any other DC happenings that an article could be written about. Slowly, I became obsessed.

I didn't notice this transition until a friend finally blurted out, "you should get paid to talk about them!" I finally realized how much I like that silly magazine. I most definitely don't fit into their classic readership: middle-aged women with above average incomes, but maybe someday. So if I don't fit their target group, why am I reading it and referencing it so much? Their excellent coverage of restaurants, events, and local businesses in an online database and well-formatted e-mail newsletters. Not typically a forte of couture women's magazines. However, the hits don't stop coming. This past weekend I attended the highly publicized Fashion's Night Out where I enjoyed some late night shopping, thumping music in the background, and a wine glass in my hand. Not to mention the blocks long line for free Georgetown Cupcake that my friend Ashley and I managed to finagle into due to our inability to stop talking. Here's a heaping of appreciation with even more admiration. 

Now, if only others could understand why I love this magazine so much. Where did I find out about Annie Creamcheese? Washingtonian. How did I know what time the jazz concert was in the Smithsonian Sculpture Gardens? Washingtonian. From whom did I get that free Hello Cupcake coupon? Washingtonian. Who notified me about DC Restaurant Week? Washingtonian. Although high-powered wealthy older women are the target, clearly there's a lot to offer to the younger metropolitan crowd, especially if you aren't a socialite with someone planning your schedules for you. So, are there equivalents for other cities? Not sure. I've tried to look up a comparative magazine for NYC, but ended up with the meager NY Mag and something inferior called Timeout.

All in all, I'm pretty proud of discovering my DC guru, but more importantly, I hope you find it just as helpful as I do. As always, thank you Washingtonian for the tip! Now, off to the gym to work off all those muffins I've been eating while I read my obsession.

Monday, September 13, 2010

"Me Time," To You

My "me time" is essential to me because if I don't get a moment to plan, write things down, or make lists, I would probably get stressed out and go crazy. That's not the only thing I do during "me time," which includes all the girly activities like painting my nails and taking a bubble bath. Most importantly, I do it when I'm by myself and am doing something that I enjoy: reading magazines, sending those catch-up emails to friends, and blissfully enjoying that cup of hot coffee debating whether a 300 calorie piece of banana bread from Starbucks was worth it or not. What do you do during your "me time?" Is it overrated and actually for those overworked mom's who are busy taking care of their hyperactive children? Does a 22-year old just graduated and currently-taking-a-break-from-studying-before-going-to-work adult even deserve "me time?" For all intensive purposes, yes. 

What would you do without that "me time?" Personally, I know a few who would be more hysterical if they didn't get their social interaction for the day, but "me time" is probably undervalued and overly ignored. The precious time you spend cleaning is probably when you're thinking some valuable "me time" thoughts but don't realize it. And then if you don't clean, I feel bad for your roommates, and your personal well-being. One extreme example is my dad. He has an incredible amount of "me time" which is when he wakes up super early because his brain is on super charge and can't go back to sleep because he worries too much. What he worries about, I have no idea. I know my crazy antics like staying up all night studying for the CPA exam and spending lots of money at Whole Foods to make him dinner are definitely contributing factors. I would say that worrying is unhealthy "me time," but I'm sure it balances with that Bass beer at dinner.  

Of course, if you're super extroverted and thrive on social interaction, you probably border on the amount of zero "me time," and on the other end, if you're an introvert happy to be away from conversation, you need exponentially more. In college, it varied with the amount of homework and studying I needed to do - the more reading, the amount of online window shopping increased and the more NY Times articles I read. Too bad I never got the hang of showering and fitting in my "me time" in one. I don't think multitasking with "me time" worked out in the end. Getting lost in thought during "me time" and cooking only ended up with burnt chopped onions, which according to some, is one of the worst tasting things you could eat. Agreed. 

So is "me time" a glorified version of doing errands? For the Type A person like myself, maybe. Unfortunately, the best "me time" happened during those many trips from UVA to DC to visit the boyfriend. Good exercise for the brain, but bad for my car and wallet. Luckily, I have substituted that 2 hour car ride with a 15 minute daily dog walk and reflection after obsessive reading of the Swedish book series (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the others). I have found that for some strange reason, browsing and reading The Cake Bible have also offered valuable "me time." I wish that my "me time" could be spent doing something more valuable like painting or crunching numbers in Excel files. Life is life and my "me time" won't change. It happens while I paint my nails, read magazines, burn food on the stove, walk my dog, and drink bottomless coffee. When I start work, it'll probably be while I'm commuting back home after shouting every curse word inside my car with the windows closed and driving really slow to piss of the tailgater behind me. Regardless, "me time" will occur, whether at my own delicate spa-like experience or when I'm enjoying my time outside of the house. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oddities at the Gym

Like most young Americans, I am a fan of the gym. Although there are so many ways I could spend my $40/month membership, but getting in shape and watching the oddities occur in front of you are nearly priceless. My gym in Reston doesn't get too crowded, especially Sunday afternoon, except for the few middle aged folks needing a break from lawn care or cooking for the week. On my usual routine, ready to toss my bag into the locker, I peeked around the locker room and saw a large, naked woman using the hair dryer. Mmm, odd. Do odd things make you wonder about the comedic nature of other people? Do they know they are doing something odd or is it normal for them? Maybe I'm the only person who finds that odd.

Once I got to the elliptical with The Nanny Diaries, I thought I had experienced my share of odd things at the gym. I was wrong. With my music blaring and pumping those legs and arms, I finally realized the man next to me was half wheezing, half grunting and lunging with each thrust of the elliptical arms. I looked over and he looked at me with this incredulous face which seemed to say, "this is how all men use the treadmill." I avoided looking to my right side and kept to my business but winced at every loud grunt.

On to the mats, more unusual behavior. A lady in the Lamaze position sitting against the wall. If this is a new yoga position, I need to get back to class. I love working out on the mats, so I can see other people stretch and flex in different ways to get inspiration for updating my workouts. Unfortunately, I don't think the Lamaze will change my usual routine. A few crunches and planks later, the lady is still doing the Lamaze, and I realize she must be meditating. Do you really need quiet to meditate? I would bet you just need a place you can block out the noise and distractions. For this lady, it was the gym.

Perhaps it's just people being in the zone and all pumped up from endorphins that they act a little odd at the gym. Even more probable, I'm not noticing my own odd behavior. Regardless, those oddities make the gym pretty entertaining, I might have to leave my shuffle back at home.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ecstasy from Shopping

In preparing for my alfredo pasta meal, I planned my route from the gym to the nearest shopping center, loaded with appealing stores for the shopaholic. After parking my car in the middle of the parking lot for maximum walking distance, I headed for Loft. I knew it was a bad decision considering I had just received a package from them that I ordered a week ago. Regardless, I walked in, determined to compare my style and closet with the ones the store offered me. I was doing well - just browsing, looking at the new season's colors and styles: cropped jackets, beads and sequins, and colorful sweaters. Then I made a beeline to the sale section, knowing the XS area would be barren. I beat the odds and found a great patterned top for work. Even better, I managed to find an outfit with a gray skirt, big jeweled necklace. Then I was off to the dressing room to spend some more time analyzing my options and debating whether my walk-in-closet could swallow another clothing item. Ten minutes later, I left the store with a small Loft logo bag in my hand. The thrill of walking out with the feeling of success can be rivaled by little else.

Next door, a friendly neighborhood Starbucks. Thinking I would just get coffee, I glanced at the menu and saw that the pumpkin spice latte was back on the specials list. Oh how I have missed the fall. Although it was almost 80 degrees outside while I was sipping my autumn latte, it still felt great. My mini Paris here in Reston. Mimicking my leisure experience in the French city, I sat at a table outside, drinking my coffee and snacking on a small cookie, and watching everything pass by. There's definitely something special to this pastime. Although most would not consider buying a latte shopping, I would put it in the broad category of a shopping outing. With a full stomach and some warmth from the sun, I packed up and again, went next door but this time to look at books.

My frugal mom had always praised the benefits of the local free public library system and discouraged the expensive book stores. Yes, I do read a book once, so buying a book is not a great return on your investment, unless you get a good price. Just as my previous post about coupons and deals, I found a deal of a book for $1: the Nanny Diaries. I have a steadfast habit of reading a book before I see a movie, but in this case, $1 swayed my mind.

At long last, I finally made it to the Whole Foods with my Loft bag, a full stomach, and a book. The samples at Whole Foods, while not as abundant as Costco's, are plenty delicious. Munching on some grapes and cheese, I browsed the produce department, picked up some of my newest obsession, mushrooms, and finally grabbed the chicken that caused the entire outing. All of purchases managed to fit in my recyclable bag, which gets you five cents off at some locations! The exhilaration of walking to the car with the groceries for toinght's dinner, a new top for work which will most likely be worn at a bar first, and a book to pass the time until my next blog post made it a pretty successful day. All this success even before dinner can give you an ecstasy from shopping like nothing else.

As always, I welcome comments, opinions, and remarks, so feel free to leave your thoughts.