Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pet Peeves

I've spent a little while talking about things I enjoy, notably donuts, coffee, and reading, but in the honor of Kingsley, I'll broaden the spectrum of what I share. So pet peeves are those silly little details that really shouldn't bother us but they do. Some more than others affect us and they affect each of us in different ways. I don't know why but so many of these pet peeves occur while I'm at Starbucks. I'll limit myself to a few in my top 10. They are in no special order.

Pet Peeve #1: this might be more female-specific, but one of my biggest pet peeves is the absence of a hanger on the back of the bathroom door. No hanger in any part of the bathroom is a big deal. Where do I put my purse/jacket/whatever else that I'm carrying because more likely than not, I'm carrying something? Even if it's freezing outside, both guys and girls are probably wearing big heavy coats and would like a place to set them on a hanger. It's pretty silly to not have a hanger, but even more so, it's my pet peeve. Luckily, I don't own a $2,000 Louis Vuitton because if there was no hanger and I had to put that on the floor, I would be mad enough to punch the manager.

Pet Peeve #2: blasting the A/C when completely unneeded. First, it's a waste. Secondly, and more importantly, it makes me tremble which is incredibly distracting for myself and others. This happens at Starbucks so often. Maybe it helps the hot latte sales. I don't even know how because all that coffee and lattes they churn out should give the place a soothing warmth. Unfortunately, not. A little while ago I was at dinner with a friend at Sandia, and it was so cold inside, mind you it was about 80 degrees outside, that my teeth were chattering. For eating a nice dinner at a restaurant, that is not comfortable at all, and I probably won't go back there, ever, unless I'm wearing a parka. I couldn't even concentrate on conversation or eat my delicious handmade guacamole, I only thought about getting outside of that freezing igloo. I guess my body is comfortable with a very specific narrow temperature range because I also tend to break out if I sweat too much in high heat and humidity, thinking back to spring break in the Caribbean.

Pet Peeve #3: bad drivers. Yes, I've grown up in NOVA, so I really should be used to bad driving right? Since my New Yorker dad taught me to drive, I feel like I have a leg up over the majority of DMV people. I'm okay with people going slow too, except if you're in the left lane and going at or below the speed limit. Do those people not see those signs that say: slow people should not be in the left lane? No, because they don't pay attention to signs. I don't speed too much, but you should have the courtesy to not hold back the rest of traffic behind you since SO many in the DC area have a penchant for tailgating. Another thing I also hate. Although a friend has told me that I tailgate, that is mostly for a few seconds to let the person know that they are going too slow and need to move and I really don't get too close to the bumper - too dangerous. Should I perhaps turn on my left blinker (that they wouldn't notice) or my brights (wouldn't notice in daylight too well) and patiently wait? No. I don't ride people's bumpers. It's too dangerous and reckless for my Type A self to handle. I don't even get too close because I'm afraid the bad driver in front of me will stop short for some silly reason. The best bad drivers are those who feel like they are important enough to go through a red light at any time. I have a special angst against them because they are the kind of people who total good drivers' cars like myself. There's no warning and no time to react.

Pet Peeve #4: people who don't respond to e-mails. Really? Do you live under a rock? How do you function if you don't check your e-mail and respond? Most likely you've read it and are too lazy or too busy to write back. Please go to AT&T and pick up an iPhone so you can respond back in a timely fashion. I'm not saying you need to write back immediately after a Facebook comment - that's silly. Rather, I would like you to respond, so I know you're alive. If not, I'll have to go back to snail mail.

Pet Peeve #5: Dell computers. Yes, Michael Dell I'm talking to you. Your computers are so unreliable that I now associate Dell with the blue screen of death, the black screen of death, and all the other acronyms like P.O.S. That was my college computer's endearing name: P.O.S. My Dell was a pretty nice computer for about the first 8 months that I had it. Then, the battery refused to charge, ever. I had to buy a new charger. After having this pain in the neck machine for 15 months, it crashed, without any notice. I took it to the school computer people, who are as unuseful and unhelpful as Dells themselves, and they blamed me saying that I downloaded viruses. No, I had about 4 applications to block, prevent, and fix those problems. It was not my fault - they refused to acknowledge that my computer had faulty hardware. I actually considered all the ways I wanted to truly destroy it such as: driving it over, throwing it against the wall, and dropping it out the window.  About 5 months later after I had recuperated from the shock and stress of a computer crash, it crashed again! Dell refused to accept responsibility, so I gave up and just relied on a back-up hard drive. Oh, and I now own a HP.

I'm sure I've probably listed several of you in these pet peeve categories. By all means that doesn't mean I dislike you, just some of your actions peeve me. Most importantly, please don't blast your A/C. I have a mental list of all the places I despise because of over-A/C-ing: grocery stores, badly managed Starbucks, people who like to overspend on electricity bills, and pretentiously cold restaurants.

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